It is now commonplace to talk about ‘lifelong learning’ and that fairly sums up our attitude to Christian discipleship. Because so many people, even in a so-called ‘Christian society’ have mixed up ideas about who God is and what Christianity is, we can’t assume that people really understand what they are accepting or rejecting. And because Christian faith is essentially about becoming the human beings that God has designed us to be, so that we relate properly to Him, to one another and to the world, it really is a lifelong learning process. Having said that, there are two false notions that need to be dismissed: first, that you can become a mature Christian simply by living a long time (especially if you are a church attender); second, that until you have been a Christian a long time you can’t be considered mature. Both of these are wrong for much the same reason – coming to faith and growing in faith depends on the work of the Holy Spirit and on the work you put into collaborating with the Spirit, according to God’s means, towards Christian character. God expects every Christian to become ‘mature in Christ’ (Ephesians 4:11-16), to develop the Christ-like character summed up in ‘the fruit of the Spirit’ (Galatians 5:22), and to live the virtuous life of faith, hope and love (1 Corinthians 13:1-13). It is important that we introduce people to all of this with clarity and in community.
The ‘formal’ learning aspects take place in our Cells, in our Celebrations and in the various courses that we host or recommend from time to time. Please go to ‘Connect’ to find out more.
Meet Abbey
Minister/ Teaching Elder: Rev. Alan Boal
Alan has been Minister of Abbey since 1998. Following a career in catering and theological training in Belfast, he moved with his family (Ruth, Sam and Kirsten) to Dublin. Alan’s tenure has witnessed considerable social changes in and around the congregation as Ireland has passed through the Celtic Tiger years and now wrestles with the challenges of economic crises. Alan’s experience working in multi-cultural settings has stood him in good stead for the diversity of congregation and city life.
WFO Secretary: William Smith
If you want to join the scheme to give regularly and tax-efficiently to our work, then William is the man to see.
Designated Person for child protection
Jennifer Fulton
Kirk Session Elders:
Alan Boal ( minister), Neill Fitzell ( Clerk) , Jennifer Fulton, Olivia Smith, William Smith, Felix Nkendoh Ekieson, Martha Sikwese, Mark Gorman
David Shaw, Jennifer Fulton, Frank Burke, Mark Gorman, William Smith