Simply Christian
Simply Christian Course
The Simply Christian Course is a guided-reading, on-line course starting from the week beginning 24th January and continuing for 10 weeks to the week beginning 28th March. The text is Tom Wright’s book, Simply Christian (which can be purchased on-line either in book form or e-book format). The accompanying guidance notes and study questions have been developed by Alan and these are available to participants either on-line or in hard-copy.
The only cost is the purchase of the book; all other materials are free.
This course will facilitate:
· Anyone who wishes to prepare to take Communion for the first time
· Anyone who wants to receive Communion with deeper understanding and enriched experience
· Anyone who wishes to present either themselves or their children for Baptism
· Anyone who is thinking about or planning towards marriage
· Anyone who just wants to get a handle on what Christianity is about
· Anyone who wants to be better equipped to live and share their Christian faith
· Anyone really…
Participants work through the guided reading in their own time before meeting together to talk through the material and receive introduction to the next section. Normally this gathering is in person, but we are not living in normal times, so by necessity we must conduct these gatherings on-line via Zoom. If however you do not have such a facility please contact Alan and he will try to accommodate you in some way.
What do I do next?
To register for the course please send an e-mail to: revalanjboal@gmail.com as soon as possible. Include your full name, contact details, the main reason for enrolling on the course and indicate how you wish to receive the guided reading material (either by e-mail or in hard-copy).
Then go ahead and purchase a copy of Simply Christian by Tom Wright
Oasis Days
Our monthly Oasis Days will recommence on Saturday 30th January. Due to the current (and foreseeable restrictions) these Oasis Days will initially be on-line, but we hope that by the summer things will have improved to allow us greater freedom. Our plan, come September, is to return to the wonderful Margaret Aylward Centre for the remainder of the year.
Whilst the Zoom version is second-best to meeting together, we do want to make these monthly mini-retreats as beneficial as possible. Certainly there is a good deal of talk about mental health and anxiety levels, so a rhythm of contemplating scripture and prayer may be just the antidote you need. Insofar as is possible, we’ll replicate our usual Oasis Days, but you’ll have to provide your own lunch.
The book of Isaiah will provide our core reading and we hope to have a variety of guests to give us direction and stimulate reflection. Primarily, of course, this is about providing you a gift of time and space to go deeper with God.
09:30 Opening Liturgy (online)
· 09:50 Personal Reading (offline)
· 12:00 Break for Lunch (offline)
· 12:30 Corporate Sharing (online)
· 13:30 Closing Liturgy (online)
14:00 Benediction (online)
Some Pointers:
· Mark the dates in your diary in advance (before your diary and your life get filled up with other things). Here are the dates for the year: Jan.30; Feb.20; Mar.27; Apr.24; May 29; Jun.26; Sep.25; Oct.30; Nov.27; Dec.18.
· Nearer the time, register your intention to attend so you can be included on the Zoom connection. One week before the day will be sufficient. (zoom details will be given)
· Decide on a space that suits you best; somewhere you will not be interrupted or distracted. Given that you have to have internet connection your choices may be somewhat limited (at least for those parts of the day that require you to be on-line). However, for the sections where you are off-line you can stay in your room or plan ahead of time a walk or a place where you can be silent and prayerful. This need not be the same each month; it helps to spend at least some of the time outside so as to be aware of the changing seasons.
· Prepare your lunch ahead of time so that you can continue in a meditative place even when you’re eating. You may want to make this meal very simple to limit preparation and avoid distraction, or you may choose to make it a little special and celebratory, but try to avoid a long and heavy three-course mea
Other events and happenings will be added during the year