Week1 March 9th 6pm Acts 2:42-27 Introduction healthy habits
Week 2 March 16th 6pm 2Timothy 3: 10-17 an open Bible
Week 3 March 23rd 6pm Matthew 6: 5-15 Persisting in Prayer
Week 4 March 30th 6pm Romans 12: 1-8 rhythms of worship
Week 5 April 6th 6pmHebrews 10: 19-25 Christian Community
Week 6 April 13th 6pm1 Corinthians 12: 12-27 Committed service
Holy Week
Monday April 14th 7pm Corinthians 8: 1-9 a Generous spirit
Tuesday April 15th 7pm Psalm 131 7 Withdraw to rest
Wednesday Rest Day (No Meeting)
Thursday Agape Meal 7pm simple shared meal & communion
Friday Good Friday 7pm