We know it can be daunting, but please don’t be too worried! We love having kids with us, in all their noisy, wriggling glory, and the people around you will be keen to help you if you need a hand with yours.
Here are a few quick tips for helping your kids to connect with what goes on in the service.
☺ Talk to your kids as the service runs, pointing things out to them that are familiar, we want them to get the message that church is for them, too.
☺ Activity bags are available for small children.
(please return them afterwards so we can re-use them!)
☺ Some parts of the service are aimed mostly at kids – yay! For these bits, direct your child’s attention to what’s happening and encourage them to participate
☺ Musical instruments will be available during certain parts of the service
(please return them afterwards so we can re-use them!)
☺ Don’t worry if your baby or toddler is making a bit of noise, if they’re happy and engaged. We do want them to be part of things, and a bit of background noise is fine.
☺ If you need to, take your child to the vestibule to resettle them a few toys are available and the service can be heard through the speaker.
☺ Baby changing and toilets are located downstairs from the back of the church.