To all Ladies in your congregation,
The PW of Dublinand Munster Presbytery is holding an informal Friendship Day meeting in Clontarf and ScotsChurch, Dublin on Saturday 9th March at2.00pm.
As President, I am delighted to invite you all to join with us in welcoming Valerie Tweedie and Anna Morison, both from Central Committee.
The theme of the meeting is ‘Living for Jesus’ which is the PW motto for this year.
There will be time after the meeting to enjoy some refreshments in our new Scots Hall – traditional Presbyterian fare will be on offer!
Why not spend the morning inDublinCitywith a friend or two and then join us at2.00pmto find out what it means to ‘Live for Jesus’ in 2013!
We are looking forward to welcoming you all,
Helen Dawkins President, PW Committee, Dublin and MunsterPresbytery
( you can also contcact Ruth for more information or if you would like to go along)